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French study examines benefits of avocado and soy in slowing osteoarthritis of the hip

A recent study in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, found that an avocado-soy pill decreased the percentage of people whose osteoarthritis progressed after three years by 10%. While this may seem somewhat promising, Dr. Richard Olson, a more


Off Season training tips for high school athletes from the #SportsSafety twitter

Once a month, on Wednesdays, @SportsSafety hosts a #SportsSafety Twitter chat, and it’s always a fruitful discussion (Hint: this is your invitation to participate on February 12th). January’s topic covered off-season training for young athletes, and it did more


Study shows some pain medication slows healing after surgery

Find out why this research won't really affect physicians' decisions to use NSAIDS during and after surgery to help patients deal with the pain of more


ACL reconstruction better financial option than rehabilitation

A study recently published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery found that ACL reconstruction saved society about $50,000 per patient when compared to ACL rehabilitation alone. Not only did the study demonstrate financial canada goose Trillium more


Dr. Trenhaile trains shoulder surgeons from South Korea

In early September, Dr. Trenhaile had the opportunity to train four surgeons from South Korea at the wet lab at one of Rockford Orthopedic’s locations. He spent a few days with them, helping them to perfect a few more